Our parish is blessed with many wonderful people who assist as Eucharistic Ministers in our liturgies and in our outreach to the homebound and shut-in.
Periodically at the invitation of the Pastor, parishioners are asked to serve in this capacity.
Following a training session, Eucharistic Ministers are commissioned by the Bishop of Providence for a term of five years.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist to the Homebound and to Nursing Homes
Purpose: To enhance the spiritual life of Catholics ~ in Nursing Homes assigned by the diocese and the homebound elderly or disabled registered parishioners of SS John & Paul Parish ~ by volunteers who bring Holy Communion to them on a regularly scheduled basis.
Procedures: All Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are chosen by the Pastor, who submits the names of new nominees, and those to be renewed, to the Bishop for a five-year term. The Bishop’s approval is indicated by granting an Indult to the individuals who then are scheduled for required training before they are formally commissioned for the ministry according to the Diocesan rite. Indults granted to Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist who serve under the auspices of the Outreach Ministry, are specific to “bringing Holy Communion to the homebound and to Catholics in nursing homes assigned to the parish”. Training is scheduled and provided by the Coordinator.
Time commitment: One to two hours weekly, depending on the assignment. Initial training requires a minimum of 1½ hours. Annual training-review meetings last about one hour.