To create informational/fundraising events related to the sanctity of human life from
conception to natural death. Events emphasize education relating to the Catholic Church’s
teaching on the beauty and value of human life. All efforts are based on the belief that human life is a gift from God.
RLC Objectives relate to all the goals of the Diocese of Providence’s Office of Life a
Family Ministry.
Saints John and Paul (SSJP) Committee Members receive a predetermined
annual calendar for meeting once a month through November on a Saturday at 9:30 a.m. on SSJP premises.
Members create and plan fundraising events that support entities giving
assistance to those in need at all stages of life.
At monthly meetings members volunteer to make a donation to be applied to specific
needs of future fundraising activities developed by RLC.
The SSJP Rectory Finance Department keeps a rolling record of those donations and/or deductions.
RLC utilizes for discussion Catholic-supported literature, podcasts, and other relevant
social media to maintain up-to-date information on state and national issues related to the
value of human life at all stages.
The committee supports Saint Gabriel’s Call and the Mother of Life Center (MLC) in
Providence.These entities provide free spiritual, emotional, social service access, and
practical necessities for needy expectant mothers and teens and their babies during and after pregnancy through the following fundraisers and/or activities:
1. Parish Pancake Breakfast (with invitation to other Parishes).
2. Parish “Munching for Life” Appetizer Contest (with invitation to other Parishes).
3. Prayer and Fasting for Life—during Lent, this event includes Mass, Adoration,
Benediction, and Fasting along with other related activities devised by RLC.
4. Preparation(s) for offering Roses on two different dates includes picking up 200
more roses, delivering them to SSJP church hall, cutting stems, removing thorns, and placing them in buckets of water. RLC Volunteers request donations for the prepared roses at Sunday Masses. Donations are sent to The Mother of Life Center whose support includes pregnancy tests and ultrasounds for expectant teens and mothers in need.
5. Creating events with speakers such as the End-of-Life three week series which dives
deeply into the truth and beauty of the Catholic viewpoint on Death, Redemptive Suffering
Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and other information.
6. Organization of posters at the entrance of the Church calling for needed baby items
to be placed in a bassinet provided by RLC. An RLC member picks up the items weekly and
delivers them to Saint Gabriel’s Call where she works.
7. Activities annually supported by SSJP-RLC include events connected to the
statewide Diocesan calendar such as peaceful prayer vigils and rosary for life, “Human Life
Guild,” and more (See dioceseofprovidence.org). In addition, RLC supports and has
opportunity to attend the annual “Rose Gala” and other functions at which teens and/or
mothers holding their babies tell their success stories after receiving support from MLC.
Time Commitment: In addition to monthly hour long+ meetings, the RLC along with other
volunteers spend 3 to 6 hours depending on the needs at the various fundraisers throughout the year.