The general purpose of the Respect Life Committee is to make parishioners more aware of pro-life issues and needs, and to recruit volunteers to help meet those needs. It should include representatives of both adult and youth parish groups as well as those responsible for education and liturgy and pastoral care.
The committee relies on the diocesan Respect Life Office for information and guidance. Its objectives are to:
a.) Coordinate parish implementation of the Respect Life Program by promoting it to all groups within the parish, especially schools and religious education programs,
b.) Promote and assist pregnancy counseling and comprehensive maternity support services, as well as post abortion counseling and reconciliation programs;
c.) Foster public awareness of the need for a constitutional amendment and other laws and policies to restore legal protection to the unborn, the elderly, and the handicapped.
Monthly meetings are usually held on the 3rd Monday at 7 p.m. in the Parish Center classroom, or as announced in the Parish bulletin.